Friday, November 23, 2007

Qwerty still rules... even with touchscreens

lot of people often look for a good comparison of which OS based smartphones are better, even though everyone already knows which OS has the largest market share for a long time to come.

Anyway, this one of the better comparisons of three different phones, all three really good ones and all three having a different OS: Nokia E61i, Treo 750 and HTC S620

Litchfield has given a pretty clear comparison chart and E61i evidently comes out on the top. But much of the credit for E61i's edge over its competitors comes from its Symbian OS and the features that come with it like the best battery life, 3G and Wi-Fi, the best camera, arguably the best applications and plenty of free/bundled add-ons.

Bilal Zaheer

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