Monday, November 26, 2007

Making love to a plastic doll

Ok check this, touch screen is expected to be a prominent feature in most mobile phones by 2011 with upto 200 million units. Well that doesnt work for me unless it comes with tactile feedback (or haptics as they call it). Ever tried writing email or sms with touch screen? or played any games using touch screen? eugggghhh!! thats like making love to a plastic doll! I'm sure lot of you guys know how that feels like right? no feedback no response, no "feel'! sounds like someone you know?

No, if you want touch screen it BETTER come with tactile feedback so that at least you know what you're touching! As far as I know, so far only Symbian S60 has the capability for mobile phones, as demonstrated by Nokia last month. And hopefully we should be able get our hands on some of these feedback babies in the coming spring. Lets see when the rest can catch up.

I know what most of you are thinking now, "if only someone could make plastic dolls with tactile feedback".

Bilal Zaheer

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